This Tequila Lime Chicken Fajitas recipe is made delicious with an overnight Margarita marinade of tequila, triple sec and lime juice and traditional fajita...
What is brisket? A cut of beef that needs to be cooked slowly to break down the connective tissues. The unique thing about this cut of beef is that it...
I love the buttery and earthy flavor of fonitina cheese. It pairs deliciously with smoky applewood bacon and a bit of chopped baby spinach. I think you'll...
Delicious layers of noodles, meat, and cheese make this crock pot lasagna a real dinner winner! Easy to make in the slow cooker, and full of delicious...
Using just 5 simple ingredients, this flavorful and easy Chicken Stir-Fry Recipe cooks up in less than 30 minutes! You will savor every bite of this simple...
This is our annual Christmas dinner. It's not a quick recipe, but it's an easy one. My Greek husband (and I) love it. I found it in The Foods of the Greek...
Deliciously creamy and packed with a serious umami punch, my Vegan Mushroom Stroganoff is a dreamy weeknight meal. Get a comforting, healthy dinner on...
This Crock Pot Chicken in Vodka Sauce recipe only has 3 ingredients. Yep, you heard me. All you need is three ingredients to make this delicious Chicken...
Beef Plov (Beef Pilaf) is a delicious pilaf layered with beef, carrots, and spices. Originally an Uzbek dish but cooked and enjoyed throughout Central...
Smoky Romesco sauce made with roasted red peppers, tomatoes, almonds, and spices is the sauce you never knew you needed to spice up weeknight dinners,...
The best Fish Tacos made even tastier with the addition of creamy avocado sauce. Shake things up at your next Taco Tuesday night by surprising everyone...
"You can use this marinade for boneless, skinless chicken breast and then grill it. I also use it on fresh steamed veggies-everything from broccoli to...
These traditional beauties skew on the tender and fluffy side, thanks to the glug of seltzer lightening up the batter. A little chopped parsley adds color...
Originally published as Spiced Ham Steak in Quick Cooking November/December 2001, p9 Connie Moore of Medway, Ohio turns orange marmalade, mustard and a...
This comes from the "Reynolds kitchen" and is a tried-and-true recipe in my house. One reason is because it's so easy. Another, because it is tender, juicy...